Category: Suse
Installing s3tools on SUSE using yast
Installing s3tools on SUSE using yast
We manage many servers with multiple flavors of Linux. All of them use either apt or yum for package management.
The concept of yast is the same as apt and yum, but was new to me, so I thought I would document it.
Run yast which pulls up an ncurses Control Center, use the arrows go to Software -> Software Repositories
Use the arrows or press Alt+A to add a new repository
I selected Specify URL (the default) and press Alt+x to go to the next screen where I typed into the url box
and then pressed Alt+n to continue.
Now I have a new repository and I press Alt+q to quit.
At the command line I types
#yast2 -i s3cmd
And the s3cmd is installed, 15 minutes!