Category: Ruby
COMMANDDUMP – installing wpscan penetration tool on a clean ubuntu 14.04 server
COMMANDDUMP – installing wpscan penetration tool on a clean ubuntu 14.04 server
WPScan ( has instructions for installing on Ubuntu 14.04, however when attempting to install it on a clean 14.04 there were several missing dependencies.
(In Ubuntu 14.04 the default is ruby1.8 so the commands I added address this)
So I came up with the following commanddump required to install – this works as of 1/19/2016
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev build-essential libgmp-dev #remove this package ruby-dev which links to an old package sudo apt-get install ril1.9.1 sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev #thanks stackoverflow gem install addressable -v '2.4.0' #checkpoint you should receive a 'Successfully installed addressable-2.4.0 gem install ffi -v '1.9.10
#checkpoint you may need to install some ruby gems files
git clone cd wpscan sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test
sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test
By the way, kudos to this guy (@_FireFart_) for getting his username displayed every time someone updates this awesome software
root@server:# ruby wpscan.rb --update
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\ \/ \/ / | ___/ \___ \ / __|/ _` | '_ \
\ /\ / | | ____) | (__| (_| | | | |
\/ \/ |_| |_____/ \___|\__,_|_| |_|
WordPress Security Scanner by the WPScan Team
Version 2.9
Sponsored by Sucuri -
@_WPScan_, @ethicalhack3r, @erwan_lr, pvdl, @_FireFart_
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