Tag: xenserver 6.5
Script for Patching XenServer 6.5
Script for Patching XenServer 6.5
Here’s a little script that you can run at the dom0 console to automate loading patches on a fresh installation of XenServer 6.5 up to patch XS65E005. If they add more patches, just add more lines referencing the new patch name (e.g. XS65E006, etc) starting with the “wget command and ending with the “rm -f .xsupdate” command.
wget http://downloadns.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/akdlm/10194/XS65E001.zip
unzip XS65E001.zip
xe patch-apply uuid=`xe patch-upload file-name=XS65E001.xsupdate 2>&1|tail -1|awk -F” ” ‘{print $NF}’` host-uuid=`grep -B1 -f /etc/hostname <(xe host-list)|head -n1|awk ‘{print $NF}’`
rm -f *.zip
rm -f *.xsupdate
wget http://downloadns.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/akdlm/10195/XS65E002.zip
unzip XS65E002.zip
xe patch-apply uuid=`xe patch-upload file-name=XS65E002.xsupdate 2>&1|tail -1|awk -F” ” ‘{print $NF}’` host-uuid=`grep -B1 -f /etc/hostname <(xe host-list)|head -n1|awk ‘{print $NF}’`
rm -f *.zip
rm -f *.xsupdate
wget http://downloadns.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/akdlm/10196/XS65E003.zip
unzip XS65E003.zip
xe patch-apply uuid=`xe patch-upload file-name=XS65E003.xsupdate 2>&1|tail -1|awk -F” ” ‘{print $NF}’` host-uuid=`grep -B1 -f /etc/hostname <(xe host-list)|head -n1|awk ‘{print $NF}’`
rm -f *.zip
rm -f *.xsupdate
wget http://downloadns.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/akdlm/10201/XS65E005.zip
unzip XS65E005.zip
xe patch-apply uuid=`xe patch-upload file-name=XS65E005.xsupdate 2>&1|tail -1|awk -F” ” ‘{print $NF}’` host-uuid=`grep -B1 -f /etc/hostname <(xe host-list)|head -n1|awk ‘{print $NF}’`
rm -f *.zip
rm -f *.xsupdate
Changing IP Addresses on a XenServer 6.5 Pool
Changing IP Addresses on a XenServer 6.5 Pool
To change the ip addresses on a XenServer 6.5 pool, start with the slaves, and use the following xe commands:
Remember: Slaves first, then the Master
NOTE: There is no need to change the IP from the Management Console.
Find the UUID of the Host Management PIF:
xe pif-list params=uuid,host-name-label,device,management
You will see a big list. Find the UUID for the slave that you’re working on. Use the “more” pipe if the UUID for your particular slave scrolls off the screen:
xe pif-list params=uuid,host-name-label,device,management | more
Change the IP Address on the first slave:
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<UUID of host management PIF> IP=<New IP> gateway=<GatewayIP> netmask=<Subnet Mask> DNS=<DNS Lookup IPs> mode=<dhcp,none,static>
Verify the new address with ifconfig, and/or ping it from a workstation.
Point the slave to the new Master IP Address:
xe pool-emergency-reset-master master-address=NEW_IP_OF_THE_MASTER
Repeat the commands above on all slaves.
On the Master:
xe pif-list params=uuid,host-name-label,device,management
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<UUID of host management PIF> IP=<New IP> gateway=<GatewayIP> netmask=<Subnet Mask> DNS=<DNS Lookup IPs> mode=<dhcp,none,static>
DO NOT run the emergency-reset-master command on the Master.
Reboot the Master, then reboot the Slaves and verify that they can find the Master.
Matt Long