Tag: cli
One Line WordPress Install
One Line WordPress Install
To install the latest version of WordPress to your current working directory in Linux you can run this command
#wget -O - https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz |tar --strip-components=1 -xvzf - wordpress/
Just make sure you are in your install directory when you run it
#cd /var/www/html
Quick script to install WordPress from the Linux command line
Quick script to install WordPress from the Linux command line
I find that it is much faster to download and install WordPress from the command line in Linux than attempting to use FTP
By running the following script in a new directory, you will:
- download the latest version of WordPress
- untar / unzip it
- move the files into the current directory
- cleanup the unused empty directory
- and update the ownership of all of the files to match the directory you are already in.
wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz tar -xvzf latest.tar.gz mv wordpress/* . rm -rf wordpress/ latest.tar.gz chown -R `stat . --printf '%u.%g'` *
SSL Vulnerability and Problem Test – Online and Command Line
SSL Vulnerability and Problem Test – Online and Command Line
There are many vulnerabilities out there, and there seems to be no single test for all of them.
When working to correct SSL issues, some of the more comprensive tests, test EVERYTHING, while this is good, it can also make it difficult to test the smaller incremental changes that we make as system administrators make
This blog post is a way to collect and keep a resource in one place of links or methods we can use to quickly test individual failures
The big test, which only takes a minute or so, but is somewhat bloated for individual tests, is ssllabs.com. You will find out most failures here and even get a grade
But you wont find them all, and it is difficult to quickly test small changes. So here are some instant tests.
if you have an SSL Chain issue
openssl s_client -connect example.com:443
to test for CVE-2014-0224, otherwise know n as a CCS Injection vulnerability enter your domain here
to test for CVE-2014-0160 or Heartbleed test or
2 Useful Things to Know on the Linux Bash Command Line
2 Useful Things to Know on the Linux Bash Command Line
A couple useful Linux commands that I have shown a few people in the past are
This takes you to the beginning of the command line, so say you type out some ridiculously long command and you want to go back to the first character without holding down your arrow key for a minute, Ctrl+A will get you there.
When you put a “!” at the beginning of your command line it matches the following text with the most recently run command
Say you recently ran the following list of commandscd /var/log/httpd
tail -n100 error.log
vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
grep *.log| tail -1if you type
!tail # this will run the tail command from the second line above as though you retyped “tail -n100 error.log”
!grep # (or even “!g”) will run the grep command from the fifth line above as though you retyped “grep *.log| tail -1”
Those are my favorites for now ..