PHP / MySQL Web Developer

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We are a team-oriented engineering firm. Each of us brings skills and experience to projects that help deliver exceptional solutions for our clients.

As a part of this team you will bring experience:

  • Build PHP and MySQL Web Application and APIs
  • Build Web Application Administration Console tools
  • Discuss software features and daily / weekly timeline estimates.
  • Daily project builds and deployment
  • Develop updatable app documentation, help and how-to features internal and external to the apps.
  • Daily, Weekly and Monthly reporting of progress including completed work, in progress priorities and future plans.
  • Coordination with Team Lead and Product Owner for changing priorities
  • Coordination with QA for bug and other development fixes
  • Use and enforce good coding standards through code reviews with team members

Key Experience

The role is an entry-level engineer position, but experience beyond education matters. Experience on the following is important, coupled with the right attitude, you’ll be on the team in no time!

  • 1-5 Years of experience with PHP 7/8
  • 1-5 Years Experience integrating PHP with third party APIs
  • 1-5 Years Experience creating web APIs
  • 1-5 Years Experience creating MySQL databases connected with PHP applications
  • 1-4 Years Team Experience
  • 1-5 Years Experience with CSS / JS/ jQuery / React.js


  • Meets timeline and resource estimates
  • Sets and meets daily and weekly goals personally
  • Quality of code created.

Tip: A great candidate would write a well thought out response to each of the following numbered items, describing specific past experience or thoughts for future development.

This role is salaried.

Submit your resume and cover letter to