Are Apps Stored on a SIM card? (Original)

If you clear your SIM card storage or remove your SIM card, will your app be removed as well? We provide the answer below.
When you activated your phone at your local authorized dealer you probably watched them place a SIM card into your phone. It looks a lot like a MicroSD card doesn’t it? So it’s no wonder people think that is the source of their phone’s storage.
Your phone’s storage is actually internal and is on the phone itself by default. Your downloaded apps and your favorite games are not stored on your SIM card.
There is an option to store your apps on an SD card but it has to be developer enabled. They may or may not want you to have their app on an external device.
Then why do you have one right? The SIM card provides a way for your cell provider to track your usage as well as store your user information for an easy transition when you upgrade or replace a cellular device.
You can rest assured that your SIM card will not remove your precious apps from your phone if it is taken out of your phone unless you transferred the developer enabled ones.
Most likely, however, you won’t be able to place a call (other than to 911) without it. In this case, your phone becomes much more like an iPod Touch as opposed to an actual phone. Although there third party apps such as WhatsApp that allow to call via mobile app.
So go ahead and remove your SIM card if you like. (Hint: It’s easiest with a paperclip)
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