AWK script to show number of apache hits per minute
AWK script to show number of apache hits per minute
Documenting this script, to save me the time of rewriting it time and again on different servers
tail -n100000 www.access.log|awk '/09/Apr/{print $4}'|awk -F'[' '{print $2}'|awk -F':' '{print $1":"$2":"$3}' |sort -n|uniq -c
This shows output like this
21 09/Apr/2015:12:48 21 09/Apr/2015:12:49 21 09/Apr/2015:12:50 21 09/Apr/2015:12:51 21 09/Apr/2015:12:52 711 09/Apr/2015:12:53 1371 09/Apr/2015:12:54 1903 09/Apr/2015:12:55 2082 09/Apr/2015:12:56 2256 09/Apr/2015:12:57 2123 09/Apr/2015:12:58 1951 09/Apr/2015:12:59 1589 09/Apr/2015:13:00 1427 09/Apr/2015:13:01 811 09/Apr/2015:13:02