Changing IP Addresses on a XenServer 6.5 Pool
Changing IP Addresses on a XenServer 6.5 Pool
To change the ip addresses on a XenServer 6.5 pool, start with the slaves, and use the following xe commands:
Remember: Slaves first, then the Master
NOTE: There is no need to change the IP from the Management Console.
Find the UUID of the Host Management PIF:
xe pif-list params=uuid,host-name-label,device,management
You will see a big list. Find the UUID for the slave that you’re working on. Use the “more” pipe if the UUID for your particular slave scrolls off the screen:
xe pif-list params=uuid,host-name-label,device,management | more
Change the IP Address on the first slave:
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<UUID of host management PIF> IP=<New IP> gateway=<GatewayIP> netmask=<Subnet Mask> DNS=<DNS Lookup IPs> mode=<dhcp,none,static>
Verify the new address with ifconfig, and/or ping it from a workstation.
Point the slave to the new Master IP Address:
xe pool-emergency-reset-master master-address=NEW_IP_OF_THE_MASTER
Repeat the commands above on all slaves.
On the Master:
xe pif-list params=uuid,host-name-label,device,management
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<UUID of host management PIF> IP=<New IP> gateway=<GatewayIP> netmask=<Subnet Mask> DNS=<DNS Lookup IPs> mode=<dhcp,none,static>
DO NOT run the emergency-reset-master command on the Master.
Reboot the Master, then reboot the Slaves and verify that they can find the Master.
Matt Long