Compare the packages (deb / apache) on two debian/ubuntu servers
Compare the packages (deb / apache) on two debian/ubuntu servers
Debian / Ubuntu
I worked up this command and I don’t want to lose it
#diff <(dpkg -l|awk '/ii /{print $2}') <(ssh "dpkg -l"|awk '/ii /{print $2}')|grep '>'|sed -e 's/>//'
This command shows a list of all of the packages installed on that are not installed on the current machine
To make this work for you, just update the ssh command to point to the server you want to compare it with.
I used this command to actually create my apt-get install command
#apt-get install `diff <(dpkg -l|awk '/ii /{print $2}') <(ssh "dpkg -l"|awk '/ii /{print $2}')|grep '>'|sed -e 's/>//'`
Just be careful that you have the same Linux kernels etc, or you may be installing more than you expect
The same thing can be done to see if we have the same Apache modeuls enabled on both machines
diff <(a2query -m|awk '{print $1}'|sort) <(ssh a2query -m|awk '{print $1}'|sort)
This will show you which modules are / are not enabled on the different machines