Add a second disk as Local Disk Storage to an existing XenServer
Add a second disk as Local Disk Storage to an existing XenServer
On each of the XenServers in the pool I created, I have at least 2 partitions that I wanted to be available to my VMs.
For a little while I was just running individual commands to figure it out each time and finally I decided to come up with a single command that I could copy and paste
I have it below so I can always come to this blog post and find it
First I find out which partition I want to add
#cat /proc/partitions
I just have to replace the /dev/sdb in the command below with the actual partition I want to add, And I might need to change the “name-label” in the case that I already have a Local storage 2, but otherwise, the system figures out what the current hostname is and gets the uuid and names the storage appropriately. This works in a pool where host-list returns more than one..
CAUTION: when cutting and pasting from below, be careful to make sure that the quotes match exactly, I have run into situations where the Double Quotes(“) around the name-label parameter and the single quotes (‘) around the awk parameter, show as question marks (?) when pasted into the XenCenter console.
#xe sr-create content-type=user device-config:device=/dev/sdb host-uuid=`grep -B1 -f /etc/hostname <(xe host-list)|head -n1|awk ‘{print $NF}’` name-label=”Local storage 2 on `cat /etc/hostname`” shared=false type=lvm